can you put a fire pit on pavers

Can you Put a Fire Pit on Pavers? Discover the Truth!

One of the most stunning hardscape components you may include in your design is a fire pit. A fire pit is frequently chosen as the main attraction by many people when installing their pavers. But they will sometimes be hesitant to include a fire pit on pavers when designing the project because they think that it can damage or harm the paver. So, when designing the structure of your paver, you may think that you can put s fire pit on the pavers. Yes, you can finely put a fire pit on pavers. We’ll provide you with more details in this article.

Is It Safe to Put a Fire Pit on Pavers?

Yes, it is safe to put a fire pit on pavers. But you have to take safety measures if needed or select the pavers which are approved and highly recommended for having fire pits.

Most of the common risks that you may have to face when you put a fire pit on pavers are cracking, melting or discolouring.

Mostly, as paver blocks are made up of clay or cement, they might contain moisture. So, when heating, if those blocks reach their boiling point, they might explode from building up steam. And it may lead to cracks on the paver and also may harm you.

Additionally, also there will be discolourations on the pavers. Discolourations do no harm to you, but it will be unpleasing and disappointing to see burn marks after all the work in the installation of the pavers.

What Type of Pavers is Best for Fire Pits?

It is best for you to understand what type of paver is best for the fire pits before installing one.

You may either purchase a set of pavers made expressly for building a fire pit or use standard pavers to come up with your own design if you want to install a fire pit on pavers. Be sure to pick porous, fire-resistant pavers.

It is recommended to use pavers or pavers that are made out of natural stones such as granite, marble or slate since they are hard rocks that can withstand high temperatures and are resistant to heat.

Although rocks like sandstone are porous, they can crack easily at high temperatures. Kiln-fired bricks can endure a lot of heat and are commonly burned at 1800°F.

How to Prepare the Paver Base for a Fire Pit?

First, you have to remove foreign objects in the selected area and level the ground. Dig the soil in the area where you want to install the pavers. Level and make the ground flat.

Construct the base or the foundation of your paver by layering sand, concrete and gravel. Make sure that you have dug out and put the foundation correctly and better.

When putting sand, gravel and concrete, you also need to compact it. Compacting the base makes the surface more level and smoother.

how to Prepare the Paver Base for a Fire Pit

The area you are planning to put the fire pit should be flat and inflammable. Therefore, put gravel on the top of the specific area after compacting well.

You should add crushed gravel for about a thickness of 5 inches, and you are ready to install the fire pit. Make sure to remove any foreign objects from the area that you have reserved to install the fire pit.

What Are the Best Fire Pit Options for Pavers?

You can use propane or wood-burning fire pits on the pavers safely. But you have to remember that wood burning fire pit is riskier than a propane fire pit as it produces high temperatures. Therefore, you have to be safe all the time. Also, you can use gas for the burning process, but you have to know if it is permitted in your area.

However, it is suggested that it is best to install the pavers after you have selected and installed the fire pit in your selected area.

How to Install a Fire Pit on Pavers?

Here are the steps to follow when building a fire pit on the pavers.

  1. First, mark the area you want to build a fire pit with chalk on the pavers. Move the pavers and determine a design to install them.
  2. After deciding everything in the way you want, lay the first row of pavers and examine if the pavers are levelled and flat.
  3. If the design of the first row is with your preferences, lay the next rows on top of that. Once everything is in order, raise each paver individually and secure them using adhesive.
  4. Now, take the materials you are using to build your fire pit and build up the interior of it by glueing them. You can use whatever material you prefer and use a relevant adhesive that won’t come off and will be firmly fixed. For example, you can use fire bricks or kiln-fired bricks.
  5. Install the same material on the floor of the fire pit as well.
  6. As for finishing, add some lava rocks at the bottom of the fire pit up to several inches and add timber or logs as well for fuel. When considering the fuel you are using, take safety precautions so that it won’t harm the surroundings and contact the local authorities to be informed about fuel permissions.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Fire Pit on Pavers?

There are many advantages of building an outside fire pit.

  • Having a fire pit on pavers gives a glow and attraction to your surroundings. It will warm the environment at night also so you can make yourself comfortable outside. They are excellent for setting the mood.
  • Also, your patio will be long-lasting and functional for a long period because of the fire pit. Friends and family members will come along to gather for nights as it is warm and enjoyable for cool nights. Fire pits provide entertainment as well.
  • Moreover, having a fire pit on the pavers will enhance the design of the patio. It will give the patio a unique appearance. Everyone will attract to its appearance, and it will enhance your backyard.
  • Finally, it will not only provide warmth and comfort but also give your house value and a classy appearance as well.

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Video Credits – Making Manzanita

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