does steam cleaning damage grout

Does Steam Cleaning Damage Grout? Protecting Your Grout!

Steam cleaning has become popular because it can not only clean but also disinfect a surface effectively. And also, it does not require harsh chemicals for cleaning. Steam cleaning is a good practice to keep the grout clean too. But when it comes to grout cleaning, many of you have a doubt. Does steam cleaning damage grout? It will not harm the grout as long as you handle the equipment in the correct way.

We are going to clearly explain everything regarding this topic today. Thus, you will be able to clarify all your doubts.

How Does Steam Cleaning Work on Grout? 

Steam cleaning is considered the best method to clean the grout without damaging its consistency and color. The steam cleaner contains nozzles, and they can blast the steam on the grout.

All you need to do is fill the tank with water and set it to produce steam. Then, you can choose a brush for cleaning. When you run the hose on grout, the steam with high-temperature blasts the dirt and grim.

The brush also scrubs the grout well. The dirty water can spread around the grout, so you should finish the work by moping.

If you can still see the dirt on the grout, repeat the procedure on that area. Steam cleaners are able to work on sealing as well as unsealed grout.

In addition, modern steam cleaners come with different attachments like grout brush attachments. So, the cleaning process will be more effective.

Does Steam Cleaning Damage Grout?

There is nothing to worry about the good condition of your grout. Steam cleaning does not damage it. Grout is used to fill the gaps between floor tiles and stabilize them.

It can be quickly unclean because it is porous. So, grout attracts different kinds of gunk. And it is placed lower than tiles so dirt can be quickly trapped. Since the grout is a smaller space and positioned lower than the tiles, normal cleaning methods do not work on that effectively. But steam cleaning can remove all the gunk from the grout since the cleaner produces steam at a high temperature. Although the grout is sealed, you can use steam cleaner; it does not hurt the sealer.

But you should be careful when cleaning the grout because if you make mistakes in handling the equipment, the grout may be damaged. It is not recommended to use high pressure and excessive heat often.

What are the Signs of Grout Damage? 

If your grout has been damaged, it will show some of these signs. Mainly, the grout can have cracks here and there.

It will not be visible easily because there is a small space between the tiles. Since it is porous, the grout can create holes over time if it is damaged.

What are the Signs of Grout Damage

Sometimes, there may be chips of grout too. If you were unable to fix these issues for a long time, there is a chance for tiles to fall apart since the grout is loose.

If you have used a harsh chemical or bleach, it can damage the grout too. Mostly, they can discolor the grout.

To avoid these damages, experts advise sealing the grout after installation. And also, you should use proper cleaning techniques.

How to Protect Grout During Steam Cleaning? 

When you are cleaning the grout, you need to be careful to avoid damages. Follow these simple steps to protect it during the steam cleaning.

  • Use a high-quality steam cleaner and set the temperature at 175C or below for steaming. You should not increase the temperature level unnecessarily.
  • Use a brush in nylon or brass to clean the grout. They are gentle enough to clean the grout.
  • Scrub the grout gently until the dirt or grime is removed. Do not put high pressure on the tool.
  • Do not steam a specific area again and again. Prolonged exposure to steam can be harmful to the grout. Remember to keep a regular interval for grout cleaning.
  • If you use the steam cleaner for the first time, test it on a particular area to identify how much time and pressure it takes before cleaning the whole area.

What are the Best Practices for Steam Cleaning Grout? 

  • Before using the steam cleaner directly, clean the surface using a vacuum. Utilize a nylon bristled brush to scrub on the area that has stubborn gunk.
  • Make sure to use a high-quality tool that can quicken the cleaning procedure.
  • Set the right temperature for cleaning. It would be better to go through the user manual to know it because the temperature settings might vary from one brand to the other.
  • If you steam-clean a wall, start cleaning the upper areas first because dirty water drops down.
  • Do not prolong the cleaning duration unnecessarily. Over-cleaning can harm the grout.
  • There might be different kinds of attachment. If the grout is not too filthy, you can use a mild brush and vice versa.
  • Use a steam mop to wipe the area well.
  • It is not recommended to use any harsh chemicals or bleach along with the steam cleaner.

Alternative Methods for Grout Cleaning

These are some of the alternatives for steam cleaning. But they can require much time and effort when compared to steam cleaning.

  1. Soapy Water – mix some dish soap in warm water and use an old toothbrush to scrub the grout. Instead of the toothbrush, you can buy a stiff grout cleaning brush too.
  2. Alkaline Cleaner – if there are tough stains, use an alkaline cleaner like The Pink Stuff to scrub the grout. You will only need a small amount, along with a stiff brush. If you have a shop vac, you can use it to lift the dirt water.
  3. Drill Bit Brush – there are drill bit brushes in the market. If you use this tool, you can finish the task within a short time, but the result would be better than aforesaid methods.
  4. Mold Remover – if there is black mold on the grout, you have to use a specialist mold remover to clean it. Buy a product from a high-quality brand and adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions.  

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Video Credits – Cleaners Talk

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