how to get rid of bees in chimney

How to Get Rid of Bees in Chimney? – Multiple Protective Ways!

Most of the time, your house has a chimney and fireplace. And just imagine bees building a hive under your chimney. Now you have a lot of questions. Yes; it can be the most unrestricted place where bees don’t have to worry, so they can choose the chimney for a hive. Now the question for you is how to get rid of bees in the chimney.

Perhaps you have already faced this problem. Thus, let’s figure out how to escape from them. As always, this is sure to be a curious topic.

How Long Will Bees Stay in Chimney?

What usually happens is that the scout bees in their colony use the freest spot they can find to build their colony. Also, bees typically stay in the same place to rest for a few hours or a day and usually live for about 6 weeks. We can assume that the adult and later-born bees will live in the hive for about 6 weeks and then start looking for another habitat as usual.

Can You Smoke Bees Out of a Chimney?

It’s not a safe method. However, fumigation can repel bees. There is no obstacle. Often this smoke disables the bees. So they are more likely to leave.

But this is suitable to do before they start building the hive. More specifically, fumigation is most effective within the first 24 hours of their arrival. Or if bees make the hive to a certain extent, the possibility of smoke hitting the bees is significantly less. And the next thing is that even if they leave at that time, they are likely to come back.

Most importantly, make sure to cover your body with suitable clothes to minimize the attack of bees during this process.

Can You Leave Bees in a Chimney?

There is no doubt that you will be surprised if you discover the answer here. Yes, you can let them be free if the chimney is not used. And you can let them stay in the chimney if they don’t get into your house and cause damage.

The contribution of a wild bee colony to the environment is very high. Your home garden may become more productive than usual. Bees are an animal division that performs an exceptional function in the ecosystem. Therefore, please keep in mind that they are also a part of our mother nature. So, if they are not harmed, do not make it your first duty to chase them away. Let them free!

Risks of Having Bees in Chimneys

Although leaving the bees in chimney is eco-friendly, there are some risks too. Let’s discuss some of the most common problems we see in more detail and what you can do for them. This discussion will be a great help to your knowledge and practice if you have to face such a problem.

If your chimney is in use, you should get rid of them as soon as possible the presence of bees is detected. Otherwise, the damage you will do is unimaginable. If your chimney is abandoned, there will not be a big problem, as discussed earlier. Nevertheless, there is a risk because the bee honey and beeswax produced in their colonies are usually flammable. Taking this lightly can sometimes cause it to grow out of control.

Imagine that the components in the beehive ignited after forming a fire without realizing it. In such cases, the bees will definitely be irritated. If so, people in your home will likely be bitten and damaged. Not only that, the people around you and your neighbors will face this harmful situation.

Finally, if this problem persists for a long time, the wax and honey can accumulate much moisture. Therefore, if you postpone maintenance later on, it may be a problem for you especially it can be money-consuming.

How to Get Rid of Bees in a Chimney?

You now have an understanding of the basics of this topic. It is important to follow a professional approach than to use various insecticides or anti-pesticides to get rid of bees. 

In case there are no choice except removing the hive, do remove it carefully. Otherwise, they may come even if you drive them away in some other way. The best way is to get in touch with professionals and remove this pest.

You can use several tricks to get rid of bees in addition to professional methods. What’s special about this is that these are some of the most eco-friendly and easy-to-use methods.

Let’s make this clear. Some scents that are pleasant to us are repulsive to bees. You can keep bees out of your chimney using scents like peppermint, spearmint, eucalyptus, and thyme.

Especially if we talk about the use of pepper, it is enough to plant pepper plants in the house or near the smoke window. If not, peppermint essential oil can be used. In addition, you can use vinegar to remove bees from the chimney. You can avoid this trouble by spraying with equal parts vinegar and water.

Whenever you remove the hives, mind your own safety and make sure not to harm bees.

There is one more point which is really important! You should identify possible entry routes into the house for bees. Then try to close those entries. Otherwise, you may have to face this trouble again and again.

Bees can easily enter through chimney leaks, chimney chase covers, and caps. So be sure to cover them all and install insect guards. Repairing broken components is also a must!

What to Do After You Remove Bees from the Chimney?

After removing these pests, it is necessary to check whether the wax parts of the hive are still left. If a piece of the hive is left in any way, there is a risk of the bees coming back. So be sure to thoroughly inspect and clean the area.

Also, this beeswax can cause a fire. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of the particles. Keep in mind that any hive piece left after removal can lead to a re-introduction of bees. So clean as thoroughly as possible.


As we discussed, bees are a precious asset. But sometimes they can cause us trouble. Our topic was “How to get rid of bees in the chimney.” We have thoroughly answered it, providing multiple protective ways. So, follow the proper procedure without any delay!

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