how to keep baklava crispy

How to Keep Baklava Crispy? – All You Need To Know 

Baklava is an all-time dessert that fits all occasions (Haven’t met a person that doesn’t like baklava). Even though many love it, it can be very tricky to attain and maintain the authentic crispy texture of baklava, which can lead people to frustration and disappointment. 

Confused about how to keep baklava crispy? 

Well, we’ve got you. Hang on. 

Nobody likes baklava that has turned soggy and chewy. So how do you prevent that from happening? 

How to make crispy baklava?

There are a few techniques and secrets to bring that crispiness we yearn for. 

Keep reading and find out everything without missing out on anything. 

We will save your baklava next time from losing its crispiness. 

Let us dive in. 

What Makes Baklava Crispy? 

The phyllo (also known as filo) sheet layers on the top of the baklava make its texture crispy. 

Many people fail to create this crispiness as they do not adhere to certain factors they should be adhering to. So what are they? Well, stick around; we will discuss them as we move down. 

As you know, baklava is made by stacking one filo/ phyllo sheet over the other. You keep on piling until you attain the needed thickness. 

Once you prepare the dish to be baked, you bake the dish for hours on low heat. 

And finally, wow, heavenly-smelling baklava fresh out of the oven. 

The game changer comes into action now. And who is that? It is honey or sugar syrup. 

Once you pour the sweet syrup of your choice all over the baked baklava, the delicious dessert is ready to enjoy. 

The poured syrup will penetrate through the many layers of baklava and settle at the bottom. Since the syrup will stay and soak the bottom, the top will remain crispy and crunchy. 

What is the Best Method to Store Baklava to Retain Crispiness? 

Sometimes, even though you manage to make crispy baklava, you fail at retaining that crispiness for a long time. 

It can be very challenging to protect that crispiness that keeps trying to run away (don’t know where) 

Is there a way to retain the crispiness of baklava during storage? (We can hear your frustration) 

Thankfully, you can try a few things to avoid the crispiness of baklava from fading away when storing them. 

There are several options for storing baklavas, such as refrigerating, freezing, and keeping them at room temperature. 

Baklava has an extensive shelf life. 

But note that not all the storage options will protect the crispiness. 

Which method will help retain the crispiness and help you store them simultaneously? 

The answer is, storing them at room temperature. 

Freezing and refrigerating baklava will make it chewy and lose its crispy and crunchy texture. 

But storing it at room temperature will not do the same. 

However, you should store it properly. 

Let us explain you how. 

First, let the hot baklava cool down at room temperature. Please do not close it with anything during this time.

Next, choose an airtight container and carefully pass the baklava pieces into it. Tightly close the lid and put the container in a cool place (not your refrigerator, an area away from the sunlight) 

This way, the crunchiness of the baklava will remain without turning soggy. 

However, you have a minimum shelf life when you choose to store baklava at room temperature. 

You can actively store it for about a week or two, depending on the climatic conditions at your place. 

The takeaway is that storing baklava at room temperature will help you retain its crispiness throughout the storage period. 

How to Keep Baklava Crispy? 

How do you manage to create a crispy baklava? Is it rocket science? 

No, it is a no-brainer if you know the how-to secrets. 

And that is what we’re going to explain you precisely. 

The primary enemy of crispy baklava is the “temperature/ heat.” 

Always cook baklava on low heat for an hour or two. (It will depend on the size and amount of batches you make) 

Cooking baklava in high heat will not only ruin its crispiness but also may burn it. 

It is a risky action. So stick to a low flame when cooking baklava. Patiently wait until it slowly cooks and comes out crispy and delicious. 

The following vital reason that hinders baklava from becoming crispy is the butter you use. 

Always use clarified butter or ghee to brush the phyllo/ filo sheets. 

You may ask why not regular butter?

Regular butter contains high levels of moisture when compared to clarified butter. When you apply regular butter on the phyllo sheets, it actually prevents crispiness and encourages a chewy texture instead. 

Opt for clarified butter to resolve this issue. 

You can keep baklava crispy by sticking to the above-explained two secrets. 

Why Does Baklava Go Soggy? 

Who is the culprit? 

Unfortunately, there is more than one. 

Let us explain what makes baklava go soggy. 

  • Closing When Hot 

Many people make the mistake of closing the hot baklava with a lid or something similar. We understand it is a hygienic action to cover the food when it is open to the atmosphere. 

But it can turn horrible in some cases, such as baklavas. (Only when it’s hot). 

Let it cool down completely before covering the top. 

  • Reheating 

Don’t ever reheat baklava, as it can make it soggy. If you need it warm, heat the syrup instead. (Heat until it simmers) 

Pour the warm syrup on top, and enjoy. 

  • Refrigerating/ freezing 

Refrigerating/ freezing baklava can make it soggy (most likely). If you store it correctly, it won’t. But it will turn chewy. 

If you dislike either texture, don’t go for freezing or refrigerating your baklava. 

  • Using Regular Butter 

This case is not always true. But sometimes, excessive regular butter in the phyllo sheets can make them soggy. 

Even if it doesn’t make the baklava soggy, it does somewhat hinder the crispiness. Why not switch to clarified butter rather than take the risk? 

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