toilet tank losing water but no leak

Toilet Tank Losing Water But No Leak – Problem SOLVED!!!

We hate any leak in our houses since it makes an utter mess while grabbing some money from our pocket for costly repairs. If the leak can be noticed quickly, you can reduce the wastage. But if your toilet tank losing water but has no leak, how to solve that hidden issue? This can be recognized as the most common problem with toilets. So, today, we will be talking about this problem throughout the article, providing you the reasons as well as actions that you can easily take against this case. Hence, make sure to stay until the end!

What is a Silent Toilet Leak? 

In simple words, a silent toilet leak means a leak in your toilet tank without indicating any clue, like a sound. This is terrible because sometimes you cannot detect this issue until you see your water bill since the water silently leaks. On the other hand, it is a huge waste of water, around 200 gallons per day. And the worst thing is it may not even fill again since this happens continuously. This term is also known as ‘ghost flushing’ as it resembles an invisible activity of ghosts.

Toilet Tank Losing Water But No Leak, Why? 

In this section, let’s get a clear idea regarding the hidden causes of the flowing water into the toilet bowl, even though you did not use the toilet. There are some internal and external reasons for this happening, and the major ones are listed below.

  1. Inlet Valve or Flappers – The flapper or inlet valve is responsible for blocking the water from flushing out when no one uses the toilet. With time, the flapper or inlet valve can be damaged or broken, so it is unable to do its duty. The result will be the water release since there is not any barrier. This might continuously happen until you replace a new flapper. 
  2. Toilet Fill Valve – This is the part that makes a connection between the inlet valve and the plastic ball. The water level of the toilet tank is not maintained in case there is an issue with the fill valve. Consequently, the water overflows, and the tank becomes empty. 
  3. Leakage at the Tank Bolts – This is the place where the tank meets the toilet bowl at the bottom of the tank. And if this place has become loose for any reason, the water of the tank flows into the bowl. 
  4. A Leakage at the Nut of the Supply Line – The supply line is the small flexible pipe that flows the water to the tank. You can find it underneath the toilet tank. Water may be leaking in the supply line where it encounters the toilet tank.

Where Can Toilet Leak From? 

There are some possibilities for leaking water from the flapper, fill valve, tank bolt, as well as the supply line, as we discussed above. Apart from those, there are some other places that can create a leakage. You can experience a leak from the ballcock or vertical float as well. Usually, they are used to stop water from flowing unnecessarily. And sometimes there may not be a problem with the tank, but with the toilet bowl. To explain in-depth, when you have a clogged vent or a leaking toilet pipe, the water will drain too. Thus, it is a bit tricky to find out the exact place where the leak happens from.

How Do I Find a Slow Leak in My Toilet Tank? 

You already know that there may be internal leaks as well as external leaks in your toilet tank. So, if you suspect that there may be an external leak, check all the parts of the toilet tank along with the supply line to identify the leak.

If you think that there may be an internal leak, here is a simple but effective trick that will surely tell you the truth. Take some liquid or powder coloring first. Then, you should add some drops or powder to the water inside the tank. Next, you have to wait for 15 to 30 minutes. After that, the only thing you should do is check the toilet bowl. If the leak exists inside the system, the water in the bowl takes the exact color you added to the tank 30 minutes ago. If not, the internal system of the toilet has no issue.

How to Fix Leaking Toilet Tank? 

Let’s see how to fix the issues that we discussed above in detail. It is highly recommended to hire a plumber for a serious case.

  1. Inlet Valve or Flappers – The best solution for this issue is replacing a new one with the help of a professional. To identify that this is the case, add color to your toilet tank and later check the color of the toilet bowl.
  2. Toilet Fill Valve – Again, you will need the help of a professional plumber if the issue is this.  
  3. Leakage at the Tank Bolts – Again, you can diagnose this issue using some colored water in the tank, so if it flows through the bolts, the water of the bowl will be colored too. This can be fixed by simply tightening it with the help of a screwdriver or a wrench. However, if you do not know how to do it properly, it is better to call a plumber.
  4. A Leakage at the Nut of the Supply Line – You can fix this issue by yourself. First, shut the water line temporally. Then all you have to do is tighten the nut very well with the help of your fingers. If you are not satisfied with that, you can use a wrench to tighten it. But do not over-tighten it since it will damage the porcelain of the toilet. And it is better to check further if there is a leak, so you can place a bowl underneath the supply line for an hour to check it. If you notice a damage of nylon threads inside the nut, you have to replace a new nut.

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