What Roomba do I have

What Roomba Do I Have? Unveiling Your Roomba Model!

21 st century, a century of modern technology and modern advancements, has taken the chore of daily cleaning to an innovative level through robotic technology. Thus with this topic unveiled, we are exposed to a constant flow of various technologies, including the Roomba, that every house enthusiast embraces. This vacuum cleaner was born from autonomous robotic technology developed and manufactured by iRobot Corporation. iRobot Corporation is a technology company that originated in America and is best known for the designs of various robots, including Roomba. Moreover, many models of Roomba carry many features. Thus, you may wonder what Roomba I have, which is answered under the following topics.

What Type of Robot is a Roomba?

As a modern tech enthusiast, you must question whether to what a Roomba is. Do not worry. We are here to resolve your burning questions.

Roomba is an autonomous robot designed and developed for a vacuum cleaner. This autonomous robot can maneuver itself around installed furniture and can clean it using its already installed sensors while returning to the charging deck once the cleaning procedure is done.

Moreover, the sensors installed in the Roomba are a cliff detection sensor, a floor tracking sensor and an obstacle detection bumper.

What Models of Roomba are there?

There are many models of Roomba, an autonomous vacuum robot that is highly powered with many features, including sensors. Thus the different models of their vacuum robot can be listed as,

  • iRobot Roomba j7+
  • iRobot Roomba s9+
  • iRobot Roomba combo j7+
  • iRobot Roomba i4

These are different models equipped with many features filled with pros and cons, which we will be looking into now.

Regarding the discussion about iRobot Roomba j7+, this vacuum cleaner is intelligent and equipped with smart mapping technology while it can self-empty the allocated dust and debris.

Then the iRobot Roomba s9+ has high suction power while it is also auto-emptying.

As for the iRobot Roomba combo j7+, it can avoid potential furniture and obstacles on the way while it is also reliable at self-emptying.

Finally, the iRobot Roomba i4 has smart mapping technology and Alexa and Google Assistant compatibility.

Why are there So Many Roomba Models?

The presence and the innovation of so many Roomba models might make you question the quality of the product you are determined to invest in. We are here to show you exactly why there are so many Roomba models.

One of the main reasons is to satisfy the customers’ tea requirements. Thus the Roomba models have many features that will match many different home and architectural criteria.

One has the feature of smart mapping, while some do not. Therefore the presence of different models has ranged the availability of Roomba to any expected and non-expected spaces.

Thus the iRobot company has followed a quite compelling marketing strategy to involve one of their many products in every household matching their specific requirements.

What Roomba Do I Have?

Determining the Roomba that you have can sometimes take work when it comes to determining it just from the outer look. Thus you might have to dig deep into the Roomba machinery to find what model your Roomba is.

Thus, first of all, you must find the model number of the Roomba you have. To do that, you have to search next to the left wheel of the Roomba. This model number typically resides next to the left wheel and underneath the bottom of the vacuum on all Roombas.

Thus you could look at that specific location to find the model number. If your Roomba is a registered robot in iRobot, you can also acknowledge further information about the e Roomba through the Roomba official website.

Once you find the serial number, here is how you can analyze the number and comprehend the mode.

Suppose you have the number 890; then the vacuum robot originated from the 8th series and is from the 90th model.

How do I find the serial number on my Roomba

How Do I Find the Serial Number on My Roomba?

You can follow the route we explained in the earlier segment to find the serial number on your Roomba. For further and clearer comprehension, we will summarize the path to the serial number of the Roomba model.

Here is how you find the serial number. First, the serial number usually consists of three numbers, one representing the series and the other two representing the mode.

Thus you have to look for three number on the Roomba in which the series and the model is hiding.

In order to find it, you should look next to the left wheel directly underneath the Roomba. Thus at the final step of these guidelines and the path, you will meet the serial number you have been looking for.

Does It Matter the Type of Roomba I Have?

The most straightforward answer to this question is YES. It does matter. You have to consider the type of Roomba you are going in retrospectively to the surface that you plan to clean using it.

Therefore as we successfully listed the pros and cons of each model previously, you can look for the required features according to your requirements and choose the appropriate Roomba.

Therefore you must make sure to consider your requirements with the Roomba. That way, you can attain the best without much harm.

If you want a robot that identifies obstacles, you must buy a Roomba equipped with mapping abilities. Therefore it is vital to consider the model and the type of Roomba you will buy or have.

Can I Upgrade the Roomba I have with the Latest Features?

You might be feeling low thinking that your old Roomba’s version and software do not include those cool features that the iRobot has introduced to the world with their newest update.

Well, no need to dwell on such thoughts as we are here to help you with absolutely any problem. This might be one of the greatest messages you may hear, as you can upgrade your Roomba with the latest features once the software update has reached your app.

Thus you can upgrade the existing Roomba with the latest features with the newest software. Therefore you can update your outdated Roomba vacuum cleaner with the latest software the iRobot company has issued.

Watch this one,

Video Credits – Vacuum Wars

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